Margarita Antoniou
Journal articlesshow recent
δ-perturbation of bilevel optimization problems: An error bound analysis, Oper. Res. Perspect. (2024)Differential Evolution with Estimation of Distribution for Worst-case Scenario Optimization, MATHEMATICS (2021)
Multi-objective approaches to ground station scheduling for optimization of communication with satellites, OPTIM ENG (2021)
Conference papersshow recent
An evolutionary approach to pessimistic bilevel optimization problems, BILEVEL 23An evolutionary approach to pessimistic bilevel optimization problems, BILEVEL 2023
Evaluation of Parallel Hierarchical Differential Evolution for Min-Max Optimization Problems Using SciPy, BIOMA 2022
On Suitability of the Customized Measuring Device for Electric Motor, IECON 2022
Dynamic Computational Resource Allocation for CFD Simulations Based on Pareto Front Optimization, GECCO '22
Worst-Case Scenario Optimisation: Bilevel Evolutionary Approaches, IPSSC 2021
Solving pessimistic bilevel optimisation problems with evolutionary algorithms, EUROGEN 2021
Preferred Solutions of the Ground Station Scheduling Problem using NSGA-III with Weighted Reference Points Selection, CEC 2021
On Formulating the Ground Scheduling Problem as a Multi-objective Bilevel Problem, BIOMA 2020
Refining the CC-RDG3 Algorithm with Increasing Population Scheme and Persistent Covariance Matrix, BIOMA 2020
Solving min-max optimisation problems by means of bilevel evolutionary algorithms: a preliminary study, GECCO 2020
An adaptive evolutionary surrogate-based approach for single-objective bilevel optimisation, UQOP 2019
Parameter Control in Evolutionary Bilevel Optimisation, IPSSC 2019
Books & Chaptersshow recent
A Framework for Applying Data-Driven AI/ML Models in Reliability, Recent Advances in Microelectronics Reliability, Springer (2024)Multilevel optimisation, Optimization Under Uncertainty with Applications to Aerospace Engineering, Springer (2021)
Parameter Control in Evolutionary Optimisation, Optimization Under Uncertainty with Applications to Aerospace Engineering, Springer (2021)