Peter Korošec
Researchshow all
Understanding the evolution of EXOplanets and towards habitable WORLDs (2023-2027)Computer structures and systems (2019-2027)
Automated Configuration, Selection, and Design of Iterative Optimization Heuristics (2023-2025)
Fair Benchmarking for Dynamic Algorithm Configuration (2023-2025)
Auto-OPT: Automated selection and configuration of single-objective continuous optimization algorithms (2022-2025)
Historical Thopography of Posavinje and Posotelje regions (2022-2025)
Fleet and traffic management systems for conducting future cooperative mobility (2022-2025)
Representation Learning of Landscape Spaces for Explainable Performance of Stochastic Optimization Algorithms (2022-2024)
Intelligent Reliability 4.0 (2020-2023)
Food Nutrition Security Cloud (2019-2023)
ExtraCting and Annotating Food NamEd EnTitiEs fRom ScIentific LiterAture (2021-2022)
Toponomastic heritage of Primorska region (2018-2021)
Supporting Active Ageing through Multimodal coaching (2017-2021)
Uncertainty Treatment and OPtimisation In Aerospace Engineering (2017-2020)
Biomedical data fusion by nonnegative matrix tri-factorization (2017-2020)
Appliedshow all
Simulation-Based Optimization of Cogging Torque in Electric Motor Design (2022-2023)Improved planning of manufacturing processes for individualized tools (2019-2020)