Peter Korošec
Journal articlesshow all
Using Machine Learning Methods to Assess Module Performance Contribution in Modular Optimization Frameworks, ECJ (2024)Opt2Vec - A continuous optimization problem representation based on the algorithm: a case study on problem classification, INFORM SCIENCES (2024)
Conference papersshow recent
Per-Run Algorithm Performance Improvement Forecasting Using Exploratory Landscape Analysis Features: A Case Study in Single-Objective Black-Box Optimization, GECCO 2024Analyzing the Generalizability of Automated Algorithm Selection: A Case Study for Numerical Optimization, IEEE SSCI 2023
PS-AAS: Portfolio Selection for Automated Algorithm Selection in Black-Box Optimization, AutoML 2023
Sensitivity Analysis of RF+clust for Leave-one-problem-out Performance Prediction, IEEE CEC 2023
DynamoRep: Trajectory-Based Population Dynamics for Classification of Black-box Optimization Problems, GECCO 2023
Assessing the Generalizability of a Performance Predictive Model, GECCO 2023
Algorithm Instance Footprint: Separating Easily Solvable and Challenging Problem Instances, GECCO 2023
Explaining Differential Evolution Performance Through Problem Landscape Characteristics, BIOMA2022
Identifying minimal set of Exploratory Landscape Analysis features for reliable algorithm performance prediction, IEEE CEC at IEEE WCCI 2022
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Invariance of Exploratory Landscape Analysis Features to Function Transformations, IEEE CEC at IEEE WCCI 2022
The Importance of Landscape Features for Performance Prediction of Modular CMA-ES Variants, GECCO 2022
SELECTOR: Selecting a Representative Benchmark Suite for Reproducible Statistical Comparison, GECCO 2022
Explainable Landscape Analysis in Automated Algorithm Performance Prediction, EvoAPPS 2022
Explainable Landscape-Aware Optimization Performance Prediction, IEEE SSCI 2021
Robust Benchmarking for Multi-Objective Optimization, GECCO 2021
The Effect of Sampling Methods on the Invariance to Function Transforms when using Exploratory Landscape Analysis, IEEE CEC 2021
Reducing Bias in Multi-Objective Optimization Benchmarking, HOP at GECCO 2021
A Complementarity Analysis of the COCO Benchmark Problems and Artificially Generated Problems, GECCO 2021
Personalizing Performance Regression Models to Black-Box Optimization Problems, GECCO 2021
Using Exploratory Landscape Analysis to Visualize Single-objective Problems, GECCO 2020
In-depth Insights into Swarm Intelligence Algorithms, MDIS 2020
Linear Matrix Factorization Embeddings for Single-objective Optimization Landscape Space, IEEE SSCI 2020
Deep Statistics: More Robust Performance Statistics for Single-objective Optimization Benchmarking, GECCO 2020
performViz: A Machine Learning Approach to Visualize and Understand the Performance of Single-objective Optimization Algorithms, GECCO 2020
Performance2vec: A step further in explainable stochastic optimization algorithms performance, GECCO 2020
Is the statistical significance between evolutionary algorithms performance also significant in practice?, GECCO 2020
An adaptive evolutionary surrogate-based approach for single-objective bilevel optimisation, UQOP 2019
Parameter Control in Evolutionary Bilevel Optimisation, IPSSC 2019
Understanding Exploration and Exploitation Powers of Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms through Statistical Analysis, GECCO 2019
GECCO Black-Box Optimization Competitions: Progress from 2009 to 2018, GECCO 2019
CEC Real-Parameter Optimization Competitions: Progress from 2013 to 2018, CEC 2019
From a Production Scheduling Simulation to a Digital Twin, HPOI 2018
Evolution of Electric Motor Design Approaches: The Domel Case, HPOI 2018
The RICHFIELDS Framework for Semantic Interoperability of Food Information across Heterogeneous Information Systems, KDIR 2018
Quisper Ontology Learning from Personalized Dietary Web Services, KEOD 2018
Deep Statistical Comparison of Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, GECCO 2018
The Impact of Statistics for Benchmarking in Evolutionary Computation Research, GECCO 2018
Comparing Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms Using an Ensemble of Quality Indicators with Deep Statistical Comparison Approach, IEEE SSCI 2017
The Behavior of Deep statistical Comparison Approach for Different Criteria of Comparing Distributions, IJCCI 2017
Disadvantages of Statistical Comparisons of Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, BIOMA 2016
Grammar and dictionary based named- Entity Linking for knowledge extraction of evidence-based dietary recommendations, IC3K (KDIR 2016)
Pametno urejanje prometa in prostorsko načrtovanje, IS 2015
Upgrade of the MovSim for Easy Traffic Network Modification, SIMUL 2015
Suitability of MASA Algorithm for Traveling Thief Problem, SOR'15
The Continuous Differential Ant-Stigmergy Algorithm Applied on Real-Parameter Single Objective Optimization Problems, CEC 2013
Reducing costs with computer power management, IPSSC 2012
Exploring the parameter space of a search algorithm, BIOMA 2012
Balancing downlink and uplink soft-handover areas in UMTS network, WCCI 2012
The Continuous Differential Ant-Stigmergy Algorithm Applied to Dynamic Optimization Problems, WCCI 2012
The Continuous Differential Ant-Stigmergy Algorithm Applied to Bound Constrained Real-World Optimization Problem, CEC 2011
A Shared-Memory ACO-Based Algorithm for Numerical Optimization, IPDPS 2011
Pilot power optimization in UMTS: a multi-agnet approach, IS 2010
Hybrid Parameter-Less Evolutionary Algorithm in Production Planning, ICEC2010
Vpliv časovnih omejitev na učinkovitost memetskega algoritma pri planiranju proizvodnje, ERK 2010
Influence of Fixed-Deadline Orders on Memetic Algorithm Performance in Production Planning, MCPL 2010
Parameter estimation in an endocytosis model with bioinspired optimization algorithms, BIOMA 2010
The differential ant-stigmergy algorithm for large-scale global optimization, WCCI 2010
Application of Memetic Algorithm in Production Planning, BIOMA 2010
Metaheuristic Approach to Loading Schedule Problem, MISTA 2009
A Stigmergy-Based Algorithm for Black-Box Optimization: Noisy Function Testbed, GECCO 2009
A Stigmergy-Based Algorithm for Black-Box Optimization: Noiseless Function Testbed, GECCO 2009
A distributed ant-based algorithm for numerical optimization, BADS 2009
The differential ant-stigmergy algorithm applied to dynamic optimization problems, CEC 2009
Constrained transportation scheduling, BIOMA 2008
A distributed multilevel ant colonies approach for graph partitioning, BIOMA 2008
The differential ant-stigmergy algorithm for large scale real-parameter optimization, ANTS 2008
The Differential Ant-Stigmergy Algorithm: An Experimental Evaluation and a Real-World Application, CEC 2007
Multi-parameter geometry optimization of a radial impeller with the use of stigmergic optimization algorithm, KD 2007
An Impeller Shape Optimization using the Differential Ant-Stigmergy Algorithm, PPAM 2007
Stigmerično optimiranje ohišja elektromotorja, ERK 2006
Real-parameter optimization using stigmergy, BIOMA 2006
Ant stigmergy on the grid: optimizing the cooling process in continuous steel casting, IPDPS 2006
Večnivojski stigmergični algoritmi za numerično optimiranje, ERK 2005
The multilevel ant stigmergy algorithm: an industrial case study, JCIS 2005
Optimization algorithms inspired by electromagnetism and stigmergy in electro-technical engineering, EC 2005
A performance comparison of ant stigmergy and differential evolution for numerical optimization, EA 2005
The distributed stigmergic algorithm for multi-parameter optimization, PPAM 2005
Multilevel optimization of graph bisection with pheromones, BIOMA 2004
Modified iterative-improvement graph-partitioning algorithms, IPSI 2003
Mesh partitioning: a multilevel ant-colony-optimization algorithm, IPDPS 2003
Applying the ant-colony algorithm for mesh-partitioning refinement, JCIS 2003
Combining vector quantization and ant-colony algorithm for mesh-partitioning, PPAM 2003
An ant-colony-optimization approach to the mesh-partitioning problem, PARNUM 2002
An experimental evaluation of modified algorithms for the graph partitioning problem, ISCIS 2002
Algorithms for solving the partitioning problem, ERK 2001
Books & Chaptersshow all
Reliability Improvements for In-Wheel Motor, Recent Advances in Microelectronics Reliability, Springer (2024)Deep Statistical Comparison for Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, Deep Statistical Comparison for Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, Springer Cham (2022)
Multilevel optimisation, Optimization Under Uncertainty with Applications to Aerospace Engineering, Springer (2021)
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