Peter Korošec

Journal articlesshow recent

Using Machine Learning Methods to Assess Module Performance Contribution in Modular Optimization Frameworks, ECJ (2024)
Opt2Vec - A continuous optimization problem representation based on the algorithm: a case study on problem classification, INFORM SCIENCES (2024)
CafeteriaSA corpus: Scientific abstracts annotated across different food semantic resources, DATABASE (2022)
CafeteriaFCD corpus: Food consumption data annotated with regard to different food semantic resources, FOODS (2022)
Transfer Learning Analysis of Multi-Class Classification for Landscape-Aware Algorithm Selection, MATHEMATICS (2022)
Less is more: Selecting the right benchmarking set of data for time series classification, EXPERT SYST APPL (2022)
Deep Statistical Comparison for Multi-objective Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, SWARM EVOL COMPUT (2021)
Insights into Exploration and Exploitation Power of Optimization Algorithm Using DSCTool, MATHEMATICS (2020)
Multi-objective optimization benchmarking using DSCTool, MATHEMATICS (2020)
Understanding the problem space in single-objective numerical optimization using exploratory landscape analysis, APPL SOFT COMPUT (2020)
DSCTool: a web services based framework for statistical comparison of stochastic optimization algorithms, APPL SOFT COMPUT (2020)
Identifying Practical Significance Through Statistical Comparison of Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, APPL SOFT COMPUT (2019)
MIGHT: Statistical Methodology for Missing-Data Imputation in Food Composition Databases, APPL SCI-BASEL (2019)
A Novel Statistical Approach for Comparing Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms According to the Distribution of Solutions in the Search Space, INFORM SCIENCES (2019)
Innovative pocket-size Bluetooth kitchen scale, Agro Food Ind Hi Tech (2018)
Identification of requirements for computer-supported matching of food consumption data with food composition data, Nutrients (2018)
A Novel Approach to Statistical Comparison of Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms using Deep Statistics, Information Sciences (2017)
A rule-based named-entity recognition method for knowledge extraction of evidence-based dietary recommendations, PLoS One (2017)
StandFood: Standardization of Foods Using a Semi-Automatic System for Classifying and Describing Foods According to FoodEx2, Nutrients (2017)
Data Mining-Assisted Parameter Tuning of a Search Algorithm, Informatica (2015)
A GRASS GIS parallel module for radio-propagation predictions, Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci. (2014)
A GPU-based parallel-agent optimization approach for the service coverage problem in UMTS networks, CAI (2014)
A multi-objective approach to the application of real-world production scheduling, EXPERT SYST APPL (2013)
The continuous differential ant-stigmergy algorithm for numerical optimization, Comput. Optim. Appl. (2013)
A multi-alphabet arithmetic coding hardware implementation for small FPGA devices, J. Electr. Eng. (2013)
Multi-core implementation of the Differential Ant-Stigmergy Algorithm, J. Supercomput. (2013)
Metaheuristic Approach to Transportation Scheduling in Emergency Situations, Transport (2013)
Differential Evolution and Differential Ant-Stigmergy on Dynamic Optimization Problems, Int. J. Syst. Sci. (2013)
Guided restarting local search for production planning, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. (2012)
The differential ant-stigmergy algorithm, Inform. Sciences (2012)
Parameter Estimation with Bio-Inspired Metauristic Optimization: Modeling the Dynamics of Endocytosis, BMC Syst. Biol. (2011)
A Distributed Multilevel Ant-Colony Algorithm for the Multi-Way Graph Partitioning, IJBIC (2011)
Production scheduling with a memetic algorithm, Int. J. Innov. Comput. Appl. (2010)
A Distributed Multilevel Ant-Colony Approach for Finite Element Mesh Decomposition, Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. (2010)
A Stigmergic Approach for Solving Dynamic Optimization Problems, Elektroteh. vest. (2010)
High-dimensional real-parameter optimization using the differential ant-stigmergy algorithm, Int. J. Intell. Comput. Cyb. (2009)
A stigmergy-based algorithm for continuous optimization tested on real-life-like environment, Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. (2009)
A Distributed Multilevel Ant Colonies Approach, Informatica (Ljublj.) (2008)
S stigmergijo nad zahtevne optimizacijske probleme, Novice IJS (2008)
Optimizing the shape of an impeller using the differential ant-stigmergy algorithm, Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. (2008)
Differential Ant-Stigmergy Approach to Continuous Optimization, Elektroteh. vest. (2008)
The distributed multilevel ant-stigmergy algorithm used at the electric-motor design, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. (2008)
Using stigmergy to solve numerical optimization problems, Comput. Inform. (2008)
Stigmergic optimization of plane constructions, Elektroteh. vest. (2007)
Multi-parameter numerical optimization of selected thin-walled machine elements using a stigmergic optimization algorithm, Thin-walled struct. (2007)
A comparative study of stochastic optimization methods in electric motor design, Appl. Intell. (2007)
The multilevel ant stigmergy algorithm for numerical optimization, Facta. Univ. Electron. Energ. (2006)
Mesh partitioning with ant colonies, Elektroteh. vest. (2006)
The distributed stigmergic algorithm for multi-parameter optimization, Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. (2006)
Population-based methods as a form of metaheuristic combinatorial optimization, Elektroteh. vest. (2005)
Optimization algorithms inspired by electromagnetism and stigmergy in electro-technical engineering, WSEAS Trans. Inf. Sc. Appl. (2005)
Solving the mesh-partitioning problem with an ant-colony algorithm, Parallel. Comput. (2004)
Mesh-partitioning with the multiple ant-colony algorithm, Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. (2004)
Combining vector quantization and ant-colony algorithm for mesh-partitioning, Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. (2004)
A multilevel ant-colony-optimization algorithm for mesh partitioning, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. (2003)
An experimental study of an ant-colony algorithm for the mesh-partitioning problem, Parallel Distrib. Comput. Pract. (2002)


Conference papersshow all

Per-Run Algorithm Performance Improvement Forecasting Using Exploratory Landscape Analysis Features: A Case Study in Single-Objective Black-Box Optimization, GECCO 2024
Analyzing the Generalizability of Automated Algorithm Selection: A Case Study for Numerical Optimization, IEEE SSCI 2023
PS-AAS: Portfolio Selection for Automated Algorithm Selection in Black-Box Optimization, AutoML 2023
Sensitivity Analysis of RF+clust for Leave-one-problem-out Performance Prediction, IEEE CEC 2023
DynamoRep: Trajectory-Based Population Dynamics for Classification of Black-box Optimization Problems, GECCO 2023
Assessing the Generalizability of a Performance Predictive Model, GECCO 2023
Algorithm Instance Footprint: Separating Easily Solvable and Challenging Problem Instances, GECCO 2023


Books & Chaptersshow all

Reliability Improvements for In-Wheel Motor, Recent Advances in Microelectronics Reliability, Springer (2024)
Deep Statistical Comparison for Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, Deep Statistical Comparison for Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms, Springer Cham (2022)
Multilevel optimisation, Optimization Under Uncertainty with Applications to Aerospace Engineering, Springer (2021)


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