Journal articles
Zero-shot evaluation of ChatGPT for food named-entity recognition and linking, Frontiers in Nutrition (2024)NutriGreen image dataset: a collection of annotated nutrition, organic, and vegan food products, Frontiers in Nutrition (2024)
MsGEN: Measuring Generalization of Nutrient Value Prediction across Different Recipe Datasets, ESWA (2024)
FooDis: A food-disease relation mining pipeline, Artificial intelligence in Medicine (2023)
From Language Models to Large-scale Food and Biomedical Knowledge Graphs, SCI REP-UK (2023)
CafeteriaSA corpus: Scientific abstracts annotated across different food semantic resources, DATABASE (2022)
CafeteriaFCD corpus: Food consumption data annotated with regard to different food semantic resources, FOODS (2022)
Responsible Governance for a Food and Nutrition E-Infrastructure: Case Study of the Determinants and Intake Data Platform, FRONT NUTR (2022)
An open-source approach to solving the problem of accurate food-intake monitoring, IEEE ACCESS (2021)
Domain Heuristic Fusion of Multi-word Embeddings for Nutrient Value Prediction, MATHEMATICS (2021)
Designing a research infrastructure (RI) on food behaviour and health: Balancing user needs, business model, governance mechanisms and technology, TRENDS FOOD SCI TECH (2021)
A Fine-Tuned Bidirectional Encoder Representations From Transformers for Food Named-Entity Recognition: Algorithm Development and Validation, JMIR (2021)
Impact of COVID-19 confinement on eating behaviours across 16 European countries: the COVIDiet cross-national study, FOOD QUAL PREFER (2021)
Optimising an FFQ using a machine learning pipeline to learn an efficient nutrient intake predictive model, NUTRIENTS (2020)
P-NUT: Predicting NUTrient content from short text descriptions, MATHEMATICS (2020)
DietHub: Dietary Habits Analysis through Understanding the Content of Recipes, TRENDS FOOD SCI TECH (2020)
COVID-19 pandemic changes the food consumption patterns, TRENDS FOOD SCI TECH (2020)
Evaluating Missing Value Imputation Methods for Food Composition Databases, FOOD CHEM TOXICOL (2020)
A survey of named-entity recognition methods for food information extraction, IEEE ACCESS (2020)
FoodEx2vec: New foods’ representation for advanced food data analysis, FOOD CHEM TOXICOL (2020)
FoodBase corpus: a new resource of annotated food entities, DATABASE (2019)
MIGHT: Statistical Methodology for Missing-Data Imputation in Food Composition Databases, APPL SCI-BASEL (2019)
A multi-center survey on hospital malnutrition and cachexia in Slovenia, EUR J CLIN NUTR (2019)
e-Learning Experiment: Web Conference Activities in Teaching at a Traditional University, InnovationLearning (2019)
Evaluation of harmonized EuroFIR documentation for macronutrient values in 26 European food composition databases, JFCA (2019)
ISO-FOOD Ontology: A formal representation of the knowledge within the domain of Isotopes for Food Science, FOCH (2019)
Innovative pocket-size Bluetooth kitchen scale, Agro Food Ind Hi Tech (2018)
Mixed Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Method for Fake Food Image Recognition and Standardization to Help Automated Dietary Assessment, PUBLIC HEALTH NUTR (2018)
Identification of requirements for computer-supported matching of food consumption data with food composition data, Nutrients (2018)
NutriNet: A Deep Learning Food and Drink Image Recognition System for Dietary Assessment, Nutrients (2017)
A Novel Approach to Statistical Comparison of Meta-heuristic Stochastic Optimization Algorithms using Deep Statistics, Information Sciences (2017)
A rule-based named-entity recognition method for knowledge extraction of evidence-based dietary recommendations, PLoS One (2017)
StandFood: Standardization of Foods Using a Semi-Automatic System for Classifying and Describing Foods According to FoodEx2, Nutrients (2017)
PD_Manager: an mHealth platform for Parkinson's disease patient management, Healthc. Technol. Lett. (2017)
Comparison of a web-based dietary assessment tool with software for the evaluation of dietary records, ZV (2015)
High correlation between paper- and web-based dietary records: a pilot study, Ann Nutr Metab (2014)
Adult cancer patients on Home parenteral nutrition in Slovenia, data analysis in the Clinical Nutrition Unit in the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana, in the period 2008–2012, ZV (2014)
Estimation of sodium availability in food in Slovenia: results from household food purchase data from 2000 to 2009, ZV (2014)
Enhancement of web application design of the open platform for clinical nutrition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2013)
Development and validation of an electronic food frequency questionnaire to assess food intake in the Slovene population, Pub Nutr (2013)
Kaheksija pri bolnikih z rakom = Cancer cachexia, Zdrav Vestn (2013)
Food Composition Databases for Effective Quality Nutritional Care, Food Chem (2013)
Slovenian Food Composition Database, Food Chem (2013)
Odprta platforma za klinično prehrano, Sladkorna (2011)
MatPort - online mathematics learning with bioinspired decision-making system, Int. J. Innov. Comput. Appl. (2011)
Web-based eHealth applications with reference to food composition data, EJCN (2010)
Prehranske tabele na spletu, Kemija v šoli in družbi (2009)
Škodljive maščobe v hrani, Za srce (2009)
Computer-based dietary menu planning, JFCA (2009)