Gregor Papa

Journal articlesshow recent
δ-perturbation of bilevel optimization problems: An error bound analysis, Oper. Res. Perspect. (2024)Models for forecasting the traffic flow within the city of Ljubljana, ETRE (2023)
Electric-bus routes in hilly urban areas: overview and challenges, RENEW SUST ENERG REV (2022)
Data Multiplexed and Hardware Reused Architecture for Deep Neural Network Accelerator, NEUROCOMPUTING (2022)
Four algorithms to solve symmetric multi-type non-negative matrix tri-factorization problem, J GLOBAL OPTIM (2022)
An open-source approach to solving the problem of accurate food-intake monitoring, IEEE ACCESS (2021)
Differential Evolution with Estimation of Distribution for Worst-case Scenario Optimization, MATHEMATICS (2021)
The effect of colour on reading performance in children, measured by a sensor hub: From the perspective of gender, PLOS ONE (2021)
The Relation Between Physiological Parameters and Colour Modifications in text Background and Overlay During Reading in Children With and Without Dyslexia, BRAIN SCI (2021)
Low power contactless bioimpedance sensor for monitoring breathing activity, SENSORS (2021)
Multi-objective approaches to ground station scheduling for optimization of communication with satellites, OPTIM ENG (2021)
The sensor hub for detecting the developmental characteristics in reading in children on a white vs. coloured background/coloured overlays, SENSORS (2021)
Simulation of Variational Gaussian Process NARX models with GPGPU, ISA T (2021)
Improving the Maintenance of Railway Switches Through Proactive Approach, ELECTRONICS (2020)
Advanced sensor-based maintenance in real-world exemplary cases, TAUT (2020)
Towards Managerial Support for Data Analytics Results, IND ENG MANAG (2020)
Multi-level information fusion for learning a blood pressure predictive model using sensor data, INFORM FUSION (2020)
Thermal phenomena in LTCC sensor structures, SENSOR ACTUAT A-PHYS (2019)
A comparison of models for forecasting the residential natural gas demand of an urban area, EGY (2019)
Innovative pocket-size Bluetooth kitchen scale, Agro Food Ind Hi Tech (2018)
Multi-hop communication in Bluetooth Low Energy ad-hoc wireless sensor network, Inform. MIDEM (2018)
A formal framework of human machine interaction in proactive maintenance – MANTIS experience, TAUT (2018)
Sensors in Proactive Maintenance - A case of LTCC pressure sensors, MAINT RELIAB (2018)
The Concept of an Ecosystem Model to Support the Transformation to Sustainable Energy Systems, APPL ENERG (2016)
Design of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Using Analytical Method and Evolutionary Optimization, IEEE T ENERGY CONVER (2016)
Big-Data Analytics: a Critical Review and Some Future Directions, IJBIDM (2015)
Using a Genetic Algorithm to Produce Slogans, Informatica (2015)
A Case Analysis of Embryonic Data Mining Success, INT J INFORM MANAGE (2015)
A multi-objective approach to the application of real-world production scheduling, EXPERT SYST APPL (2013)
Parameter-less algorithm for evolutionary-based optimization, COMPUT OPTIM APPL (2013)
Metaheuristic Approach to Transportation Scheduling in Emergency Situations, Transport (2013)
Guided restarting local search for production planning, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. (2012)
Who are the Likeliest Customers: Direct Mail Optimization with Data Mining, Contemp. eng. sci. (2011)
Temperature Simulations in Cooling Appliances, Elektroteh. vest. (2011)
MatPort - online mathematics learning with bioinspired decision-making system, Int. J. Innov. Comput. Appl. (2011)
Simulator hladilnega aparata za Gorenje d.o.o., Novice IJS (2010)
Production scheduling with a memetic algorithm, Int. J. Innov. Comput. Appl. (2010)
Genetic Algorithm for Test Pattern Generator Design, Appl. Intell. (2010)
Simuliranje in optimiranje pri razvoju hladilnih aparatov, GIB (2009)
Visual control of an industrial robot manipulator: Accuracy Estimation, Stroj. vestn. (2009)
Robot Vision Accuracy Estimation, Elektroteh. vest. (2009)
A new approach to optimization of test pattern generator structure, Inform. MIDEM (2008)
Test Pattern Generator Design Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm, Lect. Notes Comp. Sc. (2008)
A quadtree-based progressive lossless compression technique for volumetric data sets, J. Inf. Sci. Eng. (2008)
Deterministic test pattern generator design with genetic algorithm approach, J. Electr. Eng. (2007)
Evaluation of accuracy in a 3D reconstruction system, WSEAS Trans. Syst. Control (2007)
Trust Modeling for Networked Organizations using Reputation and Collaboration Estimates, IEEE T. Syst. Man Cy. C (2007)
A comparative study of stochastic optimization methods in electric motor design, Appl. Intell. (2007)
Optimization algorithms inspired by electromagnetism and stigmergy in electro-technical engineering, WSEAS Trans. Inf. Sc. Appl. (2005)
An artificial intelligence approach to the efficiency improvement of a universal motor, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intel. (2005)
The parameters tuning for evolutionary synthesis algorithm, Informatica (Ljublj.) (2004)
An evolutionary technique for scheduling and allocation concurrency, WSEAS Trans. Syst. (2004)
Universal Motor Efficiency Improvement using Evolutionary Optimization, IEEE T. Ind. Electron. (2003)
An evolutionary approach to chip design: an empirical evaluation, Inform. MIDEM (2003)
An evolutionary algorithm for concurrent scheduling and allocation in the process of integrated-circuit design, Elektroteh. vest. (2003)
Chip design based on genetic approach, J. Electr. Eng. (2002)
Automatic large-scale integrated circuit synthesis using allocation-based scheduling algorithm, Microprocess. Microsy. (2002)
Visokonivojska sinteza vezij z genetskimi algoritmi, Inform. MIDEM (2001)
Empirical evaluation of heuristic scheduling algorithms used in parallel systems design, Eng. Simul. (2001)
Linear algebra in one-dimensional systolic arrays, Informatica (Ljublj.) (2000)
Empirical evaluation of heuristic scheduling algorithms used in parallel systems design, Electron. Model. (2000)
Scheduling Algorithms in High-Level Synthesis - Overview and Evaluation, Elektroteh. vest. (1998)
Conference papersshow all
Traffic Forecasting With Uncertainty: A Case for Conformalized Quantile Regression, ECCOMAS 2024Fleet and Traffic Management Systems for Conducting Future Cooperative Mobility, ECCOMAS 2024
Fleet and traffic management systems for conducting future cooperative mobility, TRA 2024
An evolutionary approach to pessimistic bilevel optimization problems, BILEVEL 23
Users’ cognitive processes in a user interface for predicting football match results, IS 2023
An evolutionary approach to pessimistic bilevel optimization problems, BILEVEL 2023
Books & Chaptersshow recent
A Framework for Applying Data-Driven AI/ML Models in Reliability, Recent Advances in Microelectronics Reliability, Springer (2024)Reliability Improvements for In-Wheel Motor, Recent Advances in Microelectronics Reliability, Springer (2024)
Parameter Control in Evolutionary Optimisation, Optimization Under Uncertainty with Applications to Aerospace Engineering, Springer (2021)
Memetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Operators for Multi-Objective Matrix Tri-Factorization Problem, Heuristics for Optimization and Learning, Springer (2020)
ECGpp: A Framework for Selecting the Pre-processing Parameters of ECG Signals Used for Blood Pressure Classification, Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 1211), Springer (2020)
Success Stories on Real Pilots, The MANTIS Book - Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance, River Publishers (2019)
From KPI Dashboards to Advanced Visualization, The MANTIS Book - Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance, River Publishers (2019)
The MANTIS Book - Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance, The MANTIS Book - Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance, River Publishers (2019)
Comparison of multi-objective approaches to the real-world production scheduling, Advances in evolutionary and deterministic methods for design, optimization and control in engineering and sciences, Springer (2019)
Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms Research, Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms Research, Nova Science Publishers (2015)
Stochastic Approach to Test Pattern Generator Design, Stochastic Optimization - Seeing the Optimal for the Uncertain, InTech (2011)
Evolutionary-Based Design of Deterministic Test Pattern, Artificial Intelligence: New Research, Nova Science Publishers (2009)
An evolutionary approach to problems in electrical engineering design, Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications, Chapman & Hall/CRC (2006)
Evolutionary synthesis algorithm - genetic operators tuning, Advances in intelligent systems, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, (Artificial intelligence series), WSEAS Press (2002)
Izpopolnjeno evolucijsko načrtovanje integriranih vezij, Raziskovalno delo podiplomskih študentov v Sloveniji - novo tisočletje, Naravoslovje in tehnika, Društvo mladih raziskovalcev Slovenije (2001)
Optimization of the Parallel Matrix Multiplication, Recent advances in Signal Processing and Communications, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press (1999)
Using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm in the Automated Synthesis of Digital Systems, Recent Advances in Circuits and Systems, World Scientific (1998)