Gorjan Popovski
Journal articlesshow recent
A Fine-Tuned Bidirectional Encoder Representations From Transformers for Food Named-Entity Recognition: Algorithm Development and Validation, JMIR (2021)A Framework for Evaluating Personalized Ranking Systems by Fusing Different Evaluation Measures, BIG DATA RES (2021)
DietHub: Dietary Habits Analysis through Understanding the Content of Recipes, TRENDS FOOD SCI TECH (2020)
COVID-19 pandemic changes the food consumption patterns, TRENDS FOOD SCI TECH (2020)
A survey of named-entity recognition methods for food information extraction, IEEE ACCESS (2020)
FoodEx2vec: New foods’ representation for advanced food data analysis, FOOD CHEM TOXICOL (2020)
FoodBase corpus: a new resource of annotated food entities, DATABASE (2019)
Conference papersshow all
Books & Chaptersshow recent
Food Data Normalization Using Lexical and Semantic Similarities Heuristics, Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. BIOSTEC 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1400. Springer, Cham., (2021)FoodOntoMapV2: Food Concepts Normalization Across Food Ontologies, Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. IC3K 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1297. Springer, Cham, (2020)