Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance
2015 - 2018
The overall concept of MANTIS is to provide a proactive maintenance service platform architecture based on Cyber Physical Systems that allows to estimate future performance, to predict and prevent imminent failures and to schedule proactive maintenance. <br /> Maintenance is no longer a necessary evil that costs what it costs, but an important function that creates additional value in the business process as well as new business models with a stronger service orientation. <br /> Physical systems (e.g. industrial machines, vehicles, renewable energy assets) and the environment they operate in, are monitored continuously by a broad and diverse range of intelligent sensors, resulting in massive amounts of data that characterise the usage history, operational condition, location, movement and other physical properties of those systems. These systems form part of a larger network of heterogeneous and collaborative systems (e.g. vehicle fleets or photovoltaic and windmill parks) connected via robust communication mechanisms able to operate in challenging environments.<br /> MANTIS consists of distributed processing chains that efficiently transform raw data into knowledge while minimising the need for bandwidth. Sophisticated distributed sensing and decision making functions are performed at different levels in a collaborative way, ranging from local nodes to locally optimise performance, bandwidth and maintenance; to cloud-based platforms that integrate information from diverse systems and execute distributed processing and analytics algorithms for global decision making.<br /> The research addressed in MANTIS will contribute to companies' assets availability, competitiveness, growth and sustainability. Use cases will be the testing ground for the innovative functionalities of the proactive maintenance service platform architecture and for its future exploitation in the industrial world. Results of MANTIS can be utilised directly in several industry areas and different fields of maintenance.
Our role
We contributed to the HMI framework for system maintenance. The developed HMI model allows us to conceive the HMI framework of a given use case and to define its particular content elements, their functionalities and input/output data at the desired level of detail, both at the early design phase and at implementation. The framework can also serve other purposes, like for example, to identify content elements involved in context-awareness issues and provide the basis for analysing developed solutions. In scope of this we designed the presentations for some use-case scenarios. We presented the way how context-aware based alarms could be used in railway maintenance with color-coded animated indicators placed on the map. <br> Our colleague co-edited The MANTIS book, which highlights the fundamentals of Condition-Based Maintenance related conceptual ideas, an overall idea of preventive maintenance, the economic impact and technical solution, as outcomes of the MANTIS project. The core content of the book describes the creation of a maintenance-oriented reference architecture that support the maintenance data lifecycle, to enable the use of novel kinds of maintenance strategies for industrial machinery. The key enablers are collecting data through Cyber-Physical Systems, the usage of machine learning techniques and advanced visualization for the enhanced monitoring of the machines. This book is suitable for industrial and maintenance managers that want to implement a new strategy for maintenance in their companies.